Flightwise PlaneXML Flight Tracking API Now Available

March 1, 2010

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Flightwise PlaneXML Flight Tracking API Now Available

PlaneXML application programming interface provides simple, cost-effective access to near real-time flight tracking data for flights in US, Canada and UK airspace.

ORLANDO, Fla., March 1 -- Flightwise, the world's longest-running, web-based flight tracking service is now offering cost-effective, direct access to its aircraft positional data via the PlaneXML Flight Tracking API.  The API is a standards-based, XML/SOAP web service, making it easy to integrate with existing application development platforms.

"We've spent the last decade building the reliable and sturdy infrastructure used in support of the Flightwise website," says Andy Green, CEO of the company.  "We've decided to open up that infrastructure to developers at a considerable cost-savings over other flight tracking APIs in order to bring down the barriers to access of the data, and help developers create."

One of the first users of the PlaneXML API was MyFBO.com, a provider of aviation management systems for both flight and ground operators.  MyFBO integrates data from PlaneXML with data from its subscribers' databases, providing enhanced inbound flight alerts for its ground service providers, and extended IFR flight tracking to its fleet operators.

"In addition to ease-of-use and reliability, the PlaneXML API was the most cost-effective, by far, for our needs," says Jason Smithwick of MyFBO's technical staff.  "Our 'mash-up' of proprietary data, PlaneXML, and cartography provides immediately usable information to our subscribers, rather than just 'data.'"

Developers can sign up online and gain immediate access to the API by visiting the PlaneXML Flight Tracking API website at http://flightwise.com/api, which provides pricing information, reference documentation, and code samples.


Formerly known as "fboweb.com", Flightwise was started in 2000 with the intention of bringing easily accessible flight tracking services to the Internet community.  Over the years, Flightwise has become the leading source for aircraft tracking around the world, and our data has appeared on most major television news networks, including CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as traditional news media, including the New York Times, the Financial Times of London, and the Washington Post.  For further information, contact service@flightwise.com.  Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/flightwise.

Source: Flightwise

CONTACT:  MyFBO.com: Jason Smithwick, +1-434-793-6800,

Web Site:  http://flightwise.com/


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